265 Outreach

265 (Malawi country code) a Christian ministry of Proclamation and Compassion.

Proclamation (Crusades & Church Planting) Crusades – We believe that one must be bold (like a Christian Knight) and venture out into the unknown to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are told to go into the world – so here at 265 we are doing just that. We lead by example and encourage Christian churches of all denominations to gather and “GO”. Here in Malawi that means Villages – 85% of the population lives off of a dirt footpath.

Church Planting – Working with existing churches- which now have planted 40+ new home churches these past three years – we want to plant more churches and train more pastors.

Christ calls us to be compassionate. It is a fact that each year there is a starvation period here in Malawi effecting a large majority of the population. The dates are different for all families but it is most prevalent between December thru March (while the corps are growing in the field). This coincides with rainy season. Food insecurity hits Orphans, Widows and the Elderly the hardest. It is our goal to provide food assistance for these months to as many families as we can.